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Financial freedom

"Rhetorical question"; why is it we can only aspire to be financially free?  Will hitting the lottery for millions give you financial freedom? If you do not have a million dollar income, what do you think will eventually happen to your millions? Ok, big ideas do start out as dreams but if you do not implement anything that is all they are, dreams.

It seems to me that we under utilize our capacity to take on challenges outside of the norm. What I mean is, it can be a daunting task to go to a job 5 to 6 days out of the week, work 8+ hours a day, take care of home and family, then try to start a home based business that will give you the financial freedom you deserve.

The “rat race” is a term used to describe work schedules shared by a large number of individuals and it has been widely used by Robert Kiyosaki in his "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" books.

For example, in a heavily populated areas the “rats” converge on the highways, byways, streets and public transportation trying to get to or coming from work.

Those in route to their jobs are often “on edge” which causes a great deal of stress. Stress is not something any of us want accumulating out of control.

The alternative is a successful home based business that allows you freedom to stay at home and avoid the work rush, freedom to enjoy some of the daily pleasures you miss while at work, freedom to indulge in things your previous financial situation would not allow.

Being self employed would allow you to call your own shots and relieve stress associated with the travel to work (and the work, at work).

Some that are “self employed” have associated work stress because of the field they chose, location, employees, etc. Restaurants, bars, clubs, convenience stores, etc all have stressful day to day demands. You can leave those stressful positions to those that chose them.

"An online home based business will not take you away from your home but you can take your business anywhere " . This is financial freedom planning.

Not having to leave home to get paid or get paid while your anywhere, doing anything is freedom at its best.

If you have a stressful household or the company you keep that is another issue you will have to work out. My advise to you is how to achieve work related financial freedom.

Removing the elements of having to follow a dress code, be on time and punch a time clock can possibly lower your blood pressure and other stress related symptoms.

Studies show that driving related stress is most common in society today. The anticipation of your destination and road rage can raise blood pressure.

Financial freedom lowers stress related to finances; that coupled with the fact that you did not have to leave home will work out in your best interest.

"Having the freedom to work when you want can be damaging if you do not have the discipline to work when you need to".

Plan , budget and know when you need help. Do not be fooled into thinking home based business entrepreneurs “did it on their own”. It may appear on the surface that some successful home based business owners had little help but this is far from the truth. offers you free information to point you in the right direction for financial freedom.

Online home based businesses like search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, article marketing and Google Adsense are a booming industry that should be considered in your quest to financial freedom.

An Internet home based business is not an “end all” but can be a great start.

The purpose of this article is to show those caught in the “rat race” that there is a way to end the madness. When you have a solid home based business plan that you actively work to achieve it will make your day a little better knowing you have a way out.


How does Google Adsense work?


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